The Dashboard
The dashboard aims to optimise the use of potential sites by analysing their characteristics, such as soil contamination, size, and water availability, using geospatial data. The results suggest the best use for each site, whether for seed gestation, food cultivation, food exchange, or waste processing.
Our software is scalable and can optimise any number of sites if the data is formatted correctly. It is also customizable, allowing users to adjust the importance of each criteria. Some of the customizable factors are microclimate (temperature), air quality (coarse particulates and fine particulates) and soil carbon.
This way, the dashboard enables users to directly view and edit the site data used in a project, making it easier to understand and modify without constantly altering the CSV datasheet.
It also enables users to manually disable specific functions for particular sites. For example, if a site is covered in concrete and unsuitable for cultivation, it can be disabled without having to manipulate data.
As seen in the sample on the right, the user can customise the importance and desirability of geospatial criteria used by the optimization algorithm. This makes it easier to modify optimization factors in the future, such as when there is new data or for other unforeseen reasons, like using a type of plant that is less affected by soil carbon availability or thrives better in acidic pH.
The dashboard not only allows users to modify site transparency visually, but it can also enforce restrictions on the minimum and maximum number of sites assigned to each potential function by the optimization backend. This ensures that users can obtain optimised suggestions within required usage boundaries.
Finally, the dashboard features a scatter graph and the ability to choose two variables used by the optimizer for easy visualisation of the data.