Case study 

Our first case study focused on the London Borough of Islington, which is one of the most densely populated areas in London, and is perceived to have few opportunities for urban food growing activities. However, with careful analysis, possible candidate sites began to emerge, including spaces between buildings, along alleyways, courtyards, and car parks, which in total amounted to a significant area. The project worked closely with the Octopus Communities, a network of active and engaged food growing volunteers in the borough who have helped to design, create, and maintain over 50 different urban agriculture spaces. The Islington Borough Council supported their activities and the project.

The pilot study concentrated on the Octopus Community Plant Nursery, a hidden plant-growing paradise situated off Tufnell Park Road. Initially, nearly 100 candidate sites of vacant or underutilised land were mapped around the Nursery, and then a shortlist of these sites was selected into two clusters. Cluster 1 included spaces in the immediate vicinity of the Octopus Community Plant Nursery, while Cluster 2 included spaces within the Holloway Estate, off Parkhurst Road.